Club of Science Research
The first and second grade students are called "Club of Science Fair Research", and the third grade students are called "Club of Individual Scientific Research". Because the articles are too similar, they are placed in the same article.
The nature is similar to the previous three Highscope Clubs. If you are a student of Class of Science, you can join this club unconditionally from the second semester of senior one. Unfortunately, students who are not in Class Of Science are not able to attend this club. This club will not all have rigid science courses. Instead, students of this club will work with club members to study a series of experiments, make experimental reports, and participate in science fair competitions. Every summer, the club will invite well-known regional junior high schools and sister schools. Participating in achievement presentations is one of the clubs that can enrich the learning process.
According to a retired teacher, before Class of Science was established, MRC and the Highscope class were required to do individual research. After the Class of Science was established, the aforementioned The two classes mentioned were changed to free participation, while the latter was made compulsory (because independent research is part of class of science curriculum). It wasn’t until the 10th science class that students in the second grade of high school began to do independent research at university. Starting from the 11th class, students in the first grade of high school would start to do independent research and prepare in advance for the science fair works that will be submitted a year later.
Partner University[編輯]
- College of Science, CCU
Individual scientific research[編輯]
The students in Class Of Science who have passed the qualifying exam in their senior year of high school must do individual scientific research before they can graduate, and the topics must not be the same as those they have done before.
- Can increase students’ familiarity with natural science theories
- Allow students to participate in science fair competitions to increase their chances of winning awards
- The atmosphere of the club is the most progressive among all clubs
- Other people attend clubs at school, and students from the Club of Science Research can go to the university to study science fairs.
- You can enjoy abundant national resources (it is said to be three million per session) without spending huge club fees.
- At least a quarter of the members are girls
- You can experience master’s life
- 學術性社團
- 英語會話社演說思辯社生化科學研討社創意實用科學社校刊社高瞻三社生命智慧研習社道炬佛學社日本文化研究社天文社模擬聯合國社醫學研究社韓研社法律研究社科學研究社親善大使社
- 藝術性社團
- 管樂社國樂社玩藝美術社話劇社合唱社大傳社文藝古風社書法社烏克麗麗社嘻哈音樂研究社
- 康樂性社團
- 象棋社熱門舞蹈社街舞社熱門音樂社滑板社魔術社魔幻社KUSO研究社Kuso研究社魔術方塊社民謠吉他社影音欣賞社生存遊戲社康輔社西洋棋社棋藝社
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- 技藝性社團
- 攝影社電腦社資訊研究社漫畫研習社烹飪社圍棋社模型研究社桌上遊戲社口技社釣魚社花藝社卡牌遊戲研究社陶藝社
- 服務性社團
- 春暉社喜信社童軍社扶少愛心社
- 其他性質社團
- 班聯會畢聯會
- 謎之社團
- 菸友社口哨社水池跳跳社泰雅族文化研究社園藝社Women社便當研究社